
10th September 2024

Energy and Imperialism for Climate Organisers
A four-part blog series following on from our workshop delivered at the Tenegas Climate Camp this August. 

Read here

8th July 2024
Launch of Video Series: Imperialism, Energy and Palestine
Throughout the week, WeSmellGas is publishing a four-part video series explaining the role of energy in Western imperialism and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Watch Now and share on Instagram and Twitter

4th July 2024
Online Panel Talk: Resisting Energy Imperialism with Palestine
Join us to hear from a transnational panel of speakers fighting the energy corporations profiting from genocide. Facilitated by Adam Hanieh.
Watch the Recording

22nd March 2024
WeSmellGas joins People’s Summit against the European Gas Conference in Vienna to hold Panel and Workshop
We are joining one of the international anit-gas movement’s most important meet-ups to facilitate a workshop on Hydrogen with anti-hydrogen from the DRC, Namibia, Chile, as well as speakers from Corporate Europe Observatory, ReCommon, and Food and Water Action Europe, a workshop on the East-Mediterranean “Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean: Fossil gas, Corporations and colonial systematic oppression”.
 People’s Summit Program

10th February 2024

WeSmellGas and Corporate Europe Observatory publish Groundbreaking Report on Hydrogen Lobby
A new study of the top 100 highest-spenders on EU lobbying based on LobbyFacts data shows that Big Hydrogen spends over €75.75 million a year on lobbying the EU institutions. This is significantly more than Big Finance (€38.75 million).
Read Full Report

29th January 2024

WeSmellGas joins Alliance of Climate Groups to call for an End of LNG in front of U.S.-Embassy
Fossil gas imports from the U.S. that is often extracted using fracking have sky-rocketed. Activists protest outside the countries embassy in Brussels.
Action on Twitter

29th November 2023

Activists saw Chaos calling out COP28 Hypocrisy through Mock Press-Conference:
The conflict of interest at the heart of the COP28 have been exposed through a high-profile online action creating announcing the it’s president stepping down in front of +50 international journalists. A mock-press conference led by youth from Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA), creating international outcry, including by the COP28 presidency itself.
 Action on Twitter

21st November 2023

WeSmellGas co-publishes Hydrogen Report “Climate Fix or Fossil Fueled Fiction?”:
Our new accessible report laying out 10 key problems with the “Hydrogen-Hyper” was published today at our Hybrid Panel-Event in Brussels.
Read the Report

20st November 2023

“Fluoroscent Vomit and a Racism Row:” Activists disrupt European Hydrogen Week 2023 with Tripple-Action including “Green-washing Vomiting”
Activists from groups crossing Chile, Belgium, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands join efforts to scandalise one of Europe’s biggest green-washing, going viral on social media (+3 million views) and gaining international news coverage.
Action on Twitter

29th March 2023

Activists of the BlockGas Alliance infiltrate European Gas Conference Gala Dinner to call out Corruption

Europe’s biggest networking event uniting fossil gas giants, lobbies, financial and european institutions around champagne and chandelliers was crashed by activists in Vienna yesterday night. Holding banners saying “Don’t Gas Africa” and “At What Costs?” they called out the racism and neocolonialism of Europe’s fossil-fuel addicted energy system.
Action on Twitter and Instagram

1st February 2023

Academic Blog on the Gas Industrial Complex published in SOAS

“The GIC, as a strictly decolonial and abolitionist framework, calls for uplifting the disproportionate ruination of Global Majority bodies, communities, livelihoods, and environments, both built and natural” reads the first article on the Gas Industrial Complex written by WeSmellGas. 
Read Blog / Twitter Thread

30th January 2023

Explainer Video (2/2): The Gas Industrial Complex

What is the GIC? How is it operating? And where does the idea come from? WSG explains the fundamentals of the Gas Industrial Complex in the second of their explainer video series posted on Twitter and available on Vimeo. (4min)
Watch Video 

1 7th January 2023

Explainer Video (1/2): Energy Colonialism

Get a brief introduction into the history and relevance of the history of colonial exploitating in the first of two explainer videos posted on Twitter and Vimeo. Drawing on archive and contemporary footage from Algeria, it makes the links between colonial and corporate exploitation clear. (3min)
Watch Video

2nd November 2022

WeSmellGas executes Meme Action jointly with Gas Exit and Don’t Gas Africa in support of Open Letter

The letter reads: “Europe’s response to this [energy] crisis must not be to promote new oil and gas extraction and export infrastructure. This ‘dash for gas’ in Africa is dangerous and short-sighted.”
Action on Twitter

26th October 2022

First High-Profile Disruptive Action by WSG taking place at European Hydrogen Week 

In the first ever high-profile disruptive action against hydrogen expansion, six activists interrupt John Cooper, CEO of Fuels Europe (representing companies such as Shell, BP, ENI, Total), speaking in Brussels. (2min)
Action on Twitter

20th October 2022

We are looking for new core members! Part-time work under freelance agreemt (See Applications page)

This is an exciting opportunity to join the WeSmellGas collective that uses decolonial research, film-making and disruptive tactics to challenge EU fossil gas policies based on racialised capital and exploitation. More info on the Applications page

27th September 2022

New Report: The Hydrogen of North Africa / L’hydrogène d’Afrique du Nord (Report in French and Arabic)

This report highlights the economic and technical flaws of the EU plan, ‘RePowerEU’, to import green hydrogen from North Africa. The report is a collaboration between the Transnational Institute and Corporate Observatory Europe.

26th June 2022

Energy policy decisions in 2022 cannot afford to create further fossil gas lock-ins. (Article)

Amidst a climate crisis, the G7 needs to think about the unequal impacts of their energy policy more globally. This means ditching fossil gas and being transparent about hydrogen. Read more in our first blogpost below, also available in German and French.

17th May 2022

Hydrogen from North Africa – a neocolonial resource grab (Report in English)

This article points out the key takeaways from the RePowerEU plan, the EU commission’s response to Russian energy dependency, and argues its plans to import green hydrogen is a ‘neocolonial resource grab’.

3rd May 2022
How gas companies influence EU policy and have pocketed €4 billion of taxpayers’ money (Article in English)
We recommend this 2020 Global Witness report, in which an international NGO dissects how gas companies influence EU policy and details the structure and effect of this intimate relationship alongside its different components. It concludes by providing recommendations on how to end the institutionalised influence of gas companies. 

4th April 2022
Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production (Report, summary on Twitter)
The Tyndall Centre’s report, led by researchers Kevin Anderson and Dan Calverley, details phaseout pathways for oil and gas production in different countries taking into account levels of wealth, development and economic reliance on fossil fuels. It argues the Paris goals leave no room for any nation to increase oil and gas production but importantly moves beyond critique to provide a route for a socially and ecologically resolution. The below link provides a useful twitter feed that breaks down the reports key findings in a digestible and accessible manner, for those who do not have the capacity to read the full report.

22nd March 2022
Rich countries must stop producing oiland gas by 2034, says study (Article)
The Guardian’s new article highlights key findings from the Tyndall Centre’s recent report on gas and oil production and its suggested strategy for a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels.

16th March 2022
Who’s to blame for the rise in global gas prices? (Podcast)
In a recent episode from Al Jazeera’s ‘The Take’ climate correspondents and other journalists discuss what is behind the soaring of gas prices, its links to the Ukraine-Russian conflict and who is really behind the rise in cost. (22min)

3rd March 2022

What have fossil fuels got to do with the invasion of Ukraine? (Podcast)

In ‘Science Weekly’s’ new episode The Guardian’s Environmental correspondent explains how Russia has weaponized Europe’s heavy dependency on its fossil fuels, and discusses how this could be an opportunity to shift to greener sources of energy on a large scale (14min).

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