Gas Industrial Complex (Video)
31st January 2023
Audiovisual Sources (in order of appearance)
The Economist
- To see Germany’s future, look at its cars, 2021,
Charlie Chaplin,
- Modern Times, 1936, YouTube
- Music: Charlie Chaplin Film Score, YouTube
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
- L'Empire Total, 2005 (France Europe Express - 18th October 2005)
DW News
- Germany presents new €200 billion relief plan in response to soaring energy prices, (29th September 2022)
Arizona News
- Gas leak sparks "Eye of Fire" in Gulf of Mexico, (3rd July 2021)
AK Press
- The Prison Industrial Complex – Angela Davis, (1st January 2000)
San Francisco Chronicles
- Angela Davis speaking at Mills College (1969)
- FBI poster in search of Angela Davis (1970)
- Arrest of Angela Davis by FBI (1970)
- Angela Davis raising fist in court room (1970)
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture,
- Free Angela Badge (1968)
- Hands Off Angela Davis Protest, New York by Luis Garza (1972)
The Nation
- Angela Davis at Black Lives Matter protest in Port of Oakland (2020)
- Angela Davis speaks at the University of Michigan's (2020)
- Don't Gas Africa protest at COP27 (2022)
Bibliography & Further Resources
Davis, A., Slavery and the Prison Industrial Complex, Florida International University (9:41 onwards)
Davis, A., Are Prisons Obsolete? Seven Stories Press
Wilson Gimore, R. 2007. Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California, University of California Press
Axster, S., Danewid, I., Goldstein, A. et al. (3 more authors) (2021) Colonial lives of the carceral archipelago: rethinking the neoliberal security state. International Political Sociology, 15 (3)
Hamouchene, H. 2019. Extractivism and resistance in North Africa, Transnational Institute
Niang, A. 2019. The colonial origins of extractivism in Africa. Al Jazeera